January Meeting - AEDGs to Zero-Energy Buildings
Meeting Topic: Getting from AEDGs to Zero-Energy Buildings
Date / Time: January 21st, 2025 5:00pm
Location: 5940 Blackfoot Trl SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2B5
BIO : Dru Crawley is Bentley Fellow and Director, Building Performance Research focusing on building performance, zero-energy Buildings, decarbonization, digital twins, smart cities, sustainability, and resilience. Prior to being elevated to Bentley Fellow in 2014, he led development of Bentley’s building performance software suite for four years. Before joining Bentley in 2010, Dr. Crawley developed and managed EnergyPlus and the USDOE’s Commercial Buildings Initiative (now Better Buildings Initiative and Alliances) promoting creation of net-zero-energy buildings.
TALK : Buildings account for more than 40% of worldwide primary energy use. ASHRAE, IESNA, USGBC, AIA, and DOE have collaborated on a series of Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDGs) for significant energy savings beyond Standard 90.1. The guides provide prescriptive packages for each climate zone to reach the energy savings goals of 30% and 50%. AEDGs for 50% savings in five building types were completed in 2014. This presentation provides an overview of the AEDG process as well as examples of packages and case studies from the 50% guides. Also presented are examples of today's zero-energy buildings and the key systems and technologies they employ.
Registration: 5:PM at Hotel Blackfoot
Dinner: 6 - 7 PM
Presentation: 7 - 8 PM
Wrap up: 8:30 PM