The Past Presidents’ dinner in October was well attended, with 13 past presidents and one founding member able to make it.
Roy Best was the most senior past president, having been the chapter president in 1995. However, Bud Watson, one of our founding members, won the prize for oldest member in attendance, as he turned 99 this year. He would have been president of the chapter in 1968, but decided to be president of the Alberta Construction Association instead. We look forward to having him speak at next year’s Past Presidents’ night when he will celebrate his 100th year!
Dana Heller - Historian
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I have the distinct pleasure to be the historian for the chapter this year. To start things off, we will be having our annual Past Presidents’ dinner on Wednesday, October 19th. Please come if you can to honor our chapter’s past presidents and maybe learn a little of our history that you didn’t know. One of my goals this year is to continue doing interviews of members for our archives; written, audio, and perhaps even video. If you have a unique story to tell and would like to participate, please send me a note. I can be reached at
Dana Heller - Historian
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The 60th annual ASHRAE fishing derby was help on Shuswap lake September 16-18 2021. This year’s winner of the ASHRAE largest fish went to Peter Litiwnow with a char weighing 5.25 pounds. Other ASHRAE member winners were Mike Bauer winning hardest Rainbow fisher, and Dave Lima winning hardest Char fisher. Thanks to all that attended. Next year’s derby is set for September 22-25. Please contact Peter Litwinow if you are interested in the event.
Peter Litwinow - Historian
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It was 20 years ago that an event changed the way the world is today. 911. For many of us reading, we will remember that day, and possibly some have stories of how it personally affected them. For others, it may have taken a few more years of aging to fully understand all the ramifications of that day.
We are currently in another world changing event. The ASHRAE community, like others, are coping with restrictions and trying to best perform their work duties in a changing work environment. I’m sure most are seeing the result of governments and private industry investing in upgrades on ventilation systems and air purity with a focus on containment and removal of air born particles. Through this, ASHRAE has maintained their recommended guidelines as the most effective way to reduce the spread of infectious aerosols. As an ASHRAE community, we all have a part in that task.
Though it is uncertain on how our future social and work related activities will look in the short term, we can all take pride in the fact that the line of work we have chosen has a direct impact on minimizing the effect of the Covid 19 pandemic. No one can predict what the future impact of Covid 19 will be, but I hope that on its 20th anniversary, the storyline will be of how the spread of the virus was diminished and managed. After 911, the world saw that there was better way to ensure human safety and adapted to ensure that. I hope it’s the same this time.
Peter Litwinow - Historian
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The past year has unfortunately been a year of cancelled events in the ASHRAE community. There was one event that was able to run, and that was the ASHRAE(CIFD) fishing derby which took place last September on the Shuswap. The winner of the 2020 ASHRAE trophy, and the fisher who caught the overall biggest fish of the derby, was Dave Lima. He was able to manhandle a whopping 7.42 lb rainbow trout (cleaned) into the net. Congratulations Dave.
On a more somber note, I was informed in February of the passing of Wayne Johnson. Wayne (George) Johnson was SAC President in 1985 and was an active member with ASHRAE over the years. He will be missed by many.
Peter Litwinow - Historian
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Hello. I’m Peter Litwinow and I will fulfill the historian role for this chapter year.
This is my third year as historian, and i am hoping to bring additional value to the position over the next two years. My basic responsibilities are to archive the chapters activities, along with organizing the past presidents night.
If any of the members have SAC events or news occurring this year that is of historical value, please contact me so we can archive it.
Peter Litwinow - Historian Chair
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“Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed”
John Lennon
The past few months have, undoubtedly, been some of the strangest days most of us have ever encountered. For the local chapter, it has, and will, continue to be quite historical.
The local chapter has many duties to perform annually to fulfill its charter. It is very unlikely that any founding ASHRAE members who created those charter requirements could have ever expected that so many chapters could not fulfill their requirements all at once, all for the same reason. I’m thinking of activities such as monthly meetings, technical sessions and board member’s attending CRC’s as a few. The local chapter has faithfully adhered to their duties since 1957, up until the current events
Some social activities were able to take place this year before the lock down occurred. The curling bonspiel and the ASHRAE ski trip proceeded as scheduled, both of which have been organized and faithfully attended every year since the late 60’s. On the other hand, the golf tournament (first organized in 1958) and Lobster Fest (first organized 1988) fell victim to the current social situation. The annual ASHRAE fishing derby (first organized in 1962) is currently in limbo, as is the Past Presidents Night 2020. It is unfortunate that the running streak of some of the above events were derailed by circumstances beyond their control.
Strange days indeed. The positive take away from the above historical synopsis is that our chapter and members have always supported and upheld its duties to the organization, and I for one, believe it will continue to do so in the future.
Peter Litwinow
Historian Chair
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This year’s CIFD (ASHRAE) fishing derby took place on Shuswap Lake September 11-14.
Congratulations to Peter Litwinow for winning the ASHRAE member trophy with a 5.9lb Rainbow, and Brian Roper for winning the 6th largest char with a 4.25lb er.
The evening of October 29 marked the 2019 Past Presidents night. Twenty three past presidents and two charter/life members participated in the event, which was also made special by the visit of current ASHRAE president Darryl Boyce. The past presidents, and charter members, thank the chapter for hosting. Special thanks to Aqua Air and Engineered Air for supplying the Past President’s gifts.
Peter Litwinow - Historian Chair
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This year’s past presidents’ night took place at the Saltlik restaurant downtown on October 16th. 20 past presidents were there, with Bob Junker being present (past president 1973), and taking the title as being the most senior president attending. It’s great to see the effort some of these gentlemen put forward to be there, year after year. Special thanks to Botting and Associates and Modern Niagara for being the past president wine sponsors. Your continued support of the SAC ASHRAE is greatly appreciated.
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Hello. I’ll be taking the helm for the historian duties from Wayne Keenan. He plans on devoting more time to his hockey career in the future. On behalf of the SAC membership I would like to thank Wayne for his work within the historian chair, and overall commitment to our local Chapter. Thanks again Wayne.
We have a past presidents night coming up in October, and would like all past presidents to keep October 16th, 2018 open. A small display will be set up to bring back some memories.
We have a past presidents night coming up in October, and would like all past presidents to keep October 16th, 2018 open. A small display will be set up to bring back some memories.
If you have any ASHRAE related events coming up that would have historical value, please contact myself and I’ll ensure it gets documented.
Peter Litwinow - Chapter Historian
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By all accounts the Southern Alberta Chapter’s 60th Anniversary dinner meeting at Telus Spark in October was a resounding success. A few charter members and numerous Past-Presidents were in attendance to enjoy the milestone occasion. The highlight of the evening had to be the presentation given by Mr. Bud Watson, an original founding member of the Chapter. Bud gave us some interesting insight into the industry personalities and culture during the mid-1950’s which lead to the creation of our chapter.
The venue was great and the food was exceptional, especially if you had the steak, which was delicious and exceptionally tender. The only negative comments that I received about the evening was that the historian was too long-winded. Absolutely correct, and I can live with that. Matt Parkes and his team did a great job putting the event together and the industry sponsorship was outstanding, as usual.
Now, after ten years as the Chapter’s historian, it is time to pass the torch. It has been an honour and privilege to serve in this capacity and I have thoroughly enjoyed following in the footsteps of the likes of Hank Klassen and Bill Holmes. Peter Litwinow, esteemed colleague and fish wrestler, will be assuming the reins. Peter has a keen interest in the history of Chapter events and I can’t think of anyone more qualified for this position. Please congratulate Peter for undertaking this role.
Wayne Keenan
Chapter Historian
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