By all accounts the Southern Alberta Chapter’s 60th Anniversary dinner meeting at Telus Spark in October was a resounding success. A few charter members and numerous Past-Presidents were in attendance to enjoy the milestone occasion. The highlight of the evening had to be the presentation given by Mr. Bud Watson, an original founding member of the Chapter. Bud gave us some interesting insight into the industry personalities and culture during the mid-1950’s which lead to the creation of our chapter.
The venue was great and the food was exceptional, especially if you had the steak, which was delicious and exceptionally tender. The only negative comments that I received about the evening was that the historian was too long-winded. Absolutely correct, and I can live with that. Matt Parkes and his team did a great job putting the event together and the industry sponsorship was outstanding, as usual.
Now, after ten years as the Chapter’s historian, it is time to pass the torch. It has been an honour and privilege to serve in this capacity and I have thoroughly enjoyed following in the footsteps of the likes of Hank Klassen and Bill Holmes. Peter Litwinow, esteemed colleague and fish wrestler, will be assuming the reins. Peter has a keen interest in the history of Chapter events and I can’t think of anyone more qualified for this position. Please congratulate Peter for undertaking this role.
Wayne Keenan
Chapter Historian