“Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed”
John Lennon
The past few months have, undoubtedly, been some of the strangest days most of us have ever encountered. For the local chapter, it has, and will, continue to be quite historical.
The local chapter has many duties to perform annually to fulfill its charter. It is very unlikely that any founding ASHRAE members who created those charter requirements could have ever expected that so many chapters could not fulfill their requirements all at once, all for the same reason. I’m thinking of activities such as monthly meetings, technical sessions and board member’s attending CRC’s as a few. The local chapter has faithfully adhered to their duties since 1957, up until the current events
Some social activities were able to take place this year before the lock down occurred. The curling bonspiel and the ASHRAE ski trip proceeded as scheduled, both of which have been organized and faithfully attended every year since the late 60’s. On the other hand, the golf tournament (first organized in 1958) and Lobster Fest (first organized 1988) fell victim to the current social situation. The annual ASHRAE fishing derby (first organized in 1962) is currently in limbo, as is the Past Presidents Night 2020. It is unfortunate that the running streak of some of the above events were derailed by circumstances beyond their control.
Strange days indeed. The positive take away from the above historical synopsis is that our chapter and members have always supported and upheld its duties to the organization, and I for one, believe it will continue to do so in the future.
Peter Litwinow
Historian Chair