Preparing for Past Presidents' night

Guided by the expertise and wit of Owen Zarazun, Regan Moffat and their teams, our first tour and meeting was a great success. We had over 70 people attend the tour of the SAIT library and Co-Gen facility and enjoy a cold brew at Wild Rose after.

We are busy planning for a lively Past Presidents’ night back at the Saltlik on October 16th. More details will be coming soon, but if you are a past president, this is your night, so we hope you can come be honoured.

I have also seen e-mails already about the ASHRAE Winter conference in January. In 2019, for the first time ever, it will be in the city of ASHRAE’s headquarters; Atlanta, Georgia. I’m sure they will put on a great event, so if you haven’t made it to one yet, this is the year to do it. Maybe I will run into you on the floor of the AHR!

Dana Heller

SAC-ASHRAE President