We had great feedback from the presentation in November on “Which comes first: Comfort or Efficiency?”. by Distinguished Lecturer, Robert Bean. It was an interesting discussion reviewing ASHRAE Standard 55 and how large of an effect radiant heat transfer has on the perceived comfort in our buildings.
Upcoming Speakers
In February, we are pleased to be hosting ASHRAE’s past president, Sheila Hayter. Her presentation, “Integrating Renewable Energy Systems”, will be reviewing technical opportunities, means, and methods for incorporating renewable energy (RE) technologies into building designs and operations.
In March, we are also hosting an ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) training course, High-Performance Building Design: Applications and Future Trends, presented by Tom Lawrence. This course is being offered at this year’s ASHRAE Winter Conference, so save the trip and see it in Calgary instead! It will be a 3 hour session held in the afternoon, prior to the monthly meeting. During the meeting, Tom will also be providing a presentation, The Coming Age of a Smart Grid and Smart Buildings, which provides an overview of the smart grid and how it relates to buildings and their systems.
Rick Westover – CTTC Chair