Sustainable Communities Update - November 2023

As many of you know from our October SAC ASHRAE meeting, the Camp Kindle Boiler Upgrade project has been completed!! Many thanks to everyone that assisted with this project: Fusion Plumbing and Heating Alberta, DCS Agency Ltd., CRH Electrical & Wolseley

Thanks again to those noted above for the willingness to provide their services, donating time and/or materials to upgrade the system at Camp Kindle, your generosity is appreciated!

As far as the other projects that have been slowly legging along in the background, we’re finalizing the design details on the Hull Services project and we are currently in need of contractors that would be willing to assist with the equipment and facility assessments for the Boys & Girls Club.

Note: We’re always looking for contractors that would be willing to assist with the Sustainable Community projects. If you’re open to helping and/or would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the SAC ASHRAE board members or myself.

Here’s to an incredible year in 2023-2024!


Ray Nattress - Sustainable Communities Chair